I wanted to take this morning to talk a little about physical and mental health in financially intelligent (which I'm going to start shortening to Fin-Intel) and emotionally intelligent (which is always shortened to EI or EQ). It's the start of a new year, traditionally a time of 'new you', exercise, joining the gym, taking on a challenge, going on a diet, which are of course all great. If people stick to it. According to the stats, 40% of people give up by the end of January which isn't ideal.
I'm not interested in trying to convince individuals to be more healthy or get fitter, rather I am interested in expanding the view to the macro-level and the causes within a national, or societal level for people's inability to be healthy and indeed, what appears to be happening, a shift towards people almost bragging about being unhealthy, or wearing their ill-health like some sort of warped badge of 'honour'. It is a strange phenomenon and one that I believe is a result of macro-level attitudes to physical and mental health.
Asking questions and getting the right answers
Financially and Emotionally Intelligent nations don't allow their money (currency) to be spent on medical interventions that have not been proven to work, and they certainly don't accept the information they are told without questioning it - and certainly not tolerating not being 'allowed' to question it as rational, thoughtful adults who know themselves. Look at how used and abused the US was during the orchestrated opioid crisis - masking the pain instead of asking to solve what was causing the pain. Then there's the obvious medical device that was rushed through in 2020, with no testing and lies were used to manipulate and control the emotions of every nation in the world.
Financially and emotionally intelligent nations are rational and considered and are not easily frightened into believing perfect strangers about what is best for them, their bodies and their health. No matter what that intervention is.
From a Fin-Intel position - every single penny that is spent by governments, is our money. And it is not just through taxes. Far from it in fact, because the system we live in is debt-based, not big pot-of-money-waiting-to-be-spent-based. When the government in Scoland is spending, the 'funding' is created by the Bank of England, it just looks like it's ours but it's not, it is a slight of hand, smoke and mirrors set up. For every pound that is printed/typed by a retail bank in Scotland, the same must be done at the Centralised Bank of England. Or, it is actually the other way round, as the BoE are pulling the strings, the Bank of England create the currency, and then Scottish banks are 'allowed' to print it again because our system is, as I said, a bunch of smoke and mirrors, which is on the back of the BoE's fiat currency system. It's fiat squared!
What I am trying to show is that a Financially and Emotionally Intelligent nation simply would not allow billions to the tune of billions. Those billions get injected into the financial system and it has to be absorbed in the system somewhere - there is no such thing as a free lunch! Enter, 'cost of living crisis' or at least one part of the puzzle.
Imagine a father in a family household took out a loan for £100,000 under the guise of needing it to pay to get his car fixed because if he didn't the car would spontaneously combust. So the wife agrees. That debt now has to be paid and it has to be absorbed into the family finances, which means there might have to be adjustments to other bills or spending. Either way, the family's outgoings has increased. What his wife doesn't know is that her husband lied, and he was told to take out the loan by a bullying neighbour. The car is not fixed, in fact ir gets worse, their neighbour is going on holidays, has a new car, and has no financial worries, whilst they are now struggling to pay the debt they took out to give to their neighbour.
'Body positive' messaging is damaging
The obsession with body positivity has gone too far. Obesity is not ok. And an emotionally and financially intelligent nation would be doing everything it could to ensure its people were not sucked in by such toxic messaging.
Obesity and being overweight is a result of not eating the right food and not exercising which leads to illness, diabetes, cancers, low self-esteem, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeltal disorders, digestive problems, and so on and so forth, no one needs me to rhyme off those issues! And yet there are nations, including Scotland, who are suffering at the hands of obesity and storing too much fat - 65% of adults are overweight or obese, this has a knock on effect of putting pressure on the healthcare system, cardiovascular disease in Scotland is also a problem.
The contribution of the never-ending circle of macro-level Fin-Intel and EI/EQ on heath
This leads me on to the never-ending circle of low macro-level Financial and Emotional Intelligence. If a nation doesn't have Financial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence embedded into the fabric of it's society then physical and mental health issues will never cease to end. What do I mean by that?
Many of the problems of poor health - physical or mental, in Scotland certainly, can be attributed to socioeconomic factors. Scotland is in a toxic controlling financially abusive relationship with the Bank of England and on top of that the US weaponisation of the dollar on the world. This system we are in creates inequality and most people don't know the rules of the financial game in order to be able to play them and beat them.
The system loves to dish out welfare, which is an oppressive and low-level way of keeping people in their place, giving them no sense of autonomy, or self-respect. I am not talking about people who need assistance who have no way of working, what I am refering to is the system of welfare that is designed to keep people stuck. This leads on to how the financial system is set up to transfer wealth to the few, and steal from the many, further perpetuating the poor socioeconomic related health and wellbeing of a nation. They create loans in the system - they get the proceeds, and we get the debt, and those who are stuck on welfare, are given breadcrumbs. It's a double whammy theft!
This constant cycle of not questioning due to a lack of a rational approach to how and why things are being decided, and the lack of transparency over how our money is spent, being an accepted way of life, is not how a Financially and Emotionally Intelligent nation would operate. And I wonder what such a nation could look like.
To peace and prosperity,